

Fatemeh Pourhatami is specialized in illumination, flower and birds, miniature and making natural colors. She mastered this art in Iran and graduated with honors and permission from one of the main masters in this field. Since then she has held various exhibitions solo and group all around the world, Iran, Jordan, Bahrain, Algeria, USA, Emirates…also a member of the Artist Association both in Jordan and Iran. She has taught both In university and the Ministry of Culture in Jordan for many years, and she’s a member of jury in several competitions until now.

In addition to her artistic pursuits, Fatima is deeply passionate about environmental conservation and social justice, using her platform to raise awareness and inspire positive change in the world. Through her art, she seeks to ignite a spark of hope and possibility, reminding us all of the boundless potential that lies within each of us.

As she continues to evolve and explore new horizons, Fatima remains steadfast in her dedication to creating art that transcends boundaries, connects hearts, and inspires transformation.

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